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Canon Powershot repair


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My four year old Canon Powershot A85 that I have been using for afocal imaging started to occasionally, then increasingly produce photos that were purple/pink "dripping " blurs. As it was well out of guarantee, I thought I would be having to replace it, until a wander through Google led me to discover that it was likely to be a known chip fault that Canon would replace as goodwill. Emails to authorised Canon repairers brought fast responses, and the camera was duly posted off. It came home this morning, after only just over a week, freely repaired. So if your out-of-guarantee Powershot is acting up, check if a goodwill repair is available. I'm happy not to have to buy a new camera, but, on the other hand, the A85 can't be CHDK'd to store RAW shots, and I haven't got an excuse to buy something with more poke.


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Great news. I have a Powershot S1IS that has recently developed a streakiy mess on the image when I turn it on. I have now done some searching and see this model is affected like yours. I had figured I would have to just buy another camera, but have now dropped an email to see if I can get mine fixed.

Thanks for the tip!


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