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Arduino issue.


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Hello all .....

A while ago I was seriously into cloud sensors and ended up modding ncjinks work with the Arduino Uno to create what I felt was a decent graphical interface showing the changing sky temp and therefore the cloud. I made two versions of this - the  Cloud Sensor Evo (I realise there is an Evo Plus now that looks very good) which was a static stare up device and the TeleCS which was a cloud sensor that attached to the end of the scope and looked where the scope was looking. A screen grab of the CS Evo running today is attached. It really did show delicate changing sky conditions.


They both worked very well but I did have one issue that I was never able to to overcome. After a time both units would stop passing data back to the PC and the graphs would of course flat-line. To get the data passing again I would have to reboot the PC and reconnect to both Arduinos.  Does anyone have any ideas why this would happen?


Many thanks




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Are you using SoftwareSerial to transmit/recieve the data?  I had a similar problem running a Touch screen LCD on an Uno over the software port.  It would run for a while then freeze as it couldn't handle the data being transmitted.  My solution was to run it on a Mega2560 as this has 4 hardware serial ports and it has not stopped since

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