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Impulse purchase

Stub Mandrel

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Slight off topic:

I recently needed 2 1/4" screws and maybe a Ha filter to test it on a planetary camera before I buy a better DSO camera. So I bought 3 screws, one polarscope for eq5, one skywatcher finder shoe, and one 9x50 finder. The filter did not arrive yet. I resisted buying some binoculars.

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I got a very brief look through a hole in the cloud last night. Transparency was poor and my eyes had no chance to properly dark adapt (I'd walked the dog, saw a very few stars but had to pass through a fully lit house to get the bins!) I had a minute or two to focus on the Altair region and saw increasingly tiny stars pop into view as I got focus. Despite barely being able to see the andromeda constellation, the bins easily revealed M32 as a surprisingly big smudge, so great hopes for on a clear night. As cloud was rolling in rapidly I headed for M33, found triangulum as cloud rolled over it and wasn't able to locate the galaxy in the few seconds left.

Perhaps only three or four minutes, but enough to tell me I should be able to get some good views.

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