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Garish Wizard in SHO- 1st attempt at narrowband

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This is the centre of The Wizard nebula, shot with my C11 at f10 and Atik 4000, all binned 2x2.  Ha was easy, 8 x 900 seconds.  S2 and O3 were each 11 X 900 seconds.  All filters are Baader 7nm.  I was very surprised by the appalling quality of the S2 and O3 - hence more subs to try and improve them, but they still looked very noisy.  Probably strands of high cirrus didn’t help….


Following initial stretching, the actual narrow band image has had fairly limited processing - colour balancing and a bit of sharpening on some of the nebula edges.  


There are some artifacts (halos etc) left by star removal prior to processing which I couldn’t easily remove.  The actual stars were shot in binned RGB - 8 X 60 seconds each, and added back to the processed narrowband image to try and retain star colour.  I don’t think this was particularly successful, but I always find stars difficult with this scope.  Although the image looks a bit garish, it’s false colour after all!


Any criticism would be extremely helpful.







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