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QHY5l-ii-c for widefield


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Trying to make the most of a bag situation and looking to use my guidecam for some widefield imaging.

Have managed to get a Nikon lens to C thread adaptor many months back and when I try and fit it to my QHY5L-ii-C no joy.

Have put some pics up of my cam......and from looking at other images on the web, I think there may be a bit missing.

Anyone any pointers on what I can do to get this sorted?

20160930_212750.jpg   20160930_212805.jpg

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Here are two images, the first (silver) is my QHY5L-II-C with a 'C' adapter mounted to a 'C' to Canon EOS Lens adapter.

The second (pink) shows my QHY5L-II-M with a 'CS' adapter. You can see that the inner part of the 'CS' adapter is threaded, this is where the EOS to 'C' adapter would screw in to.

The difference between a 'C' and a 'CS' is just the spacing. A 'CS' mounting is approximately 5mm shorter than the 'C' mounting. I needed a 'CS' adapter for my camera to be able to use a 25mm CCTV lens and achieve infinity focus. Both my cameras came with 'C' type fittings but more recent ones are 'CS'.

In your image it looks like there is an additional filter screwed in being held by a retaining ring. If you unscrew the 'CS' adapter from your camera what does the other side look like?



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That was what I was expecting what you have shown in your pics, but mine is woefully different.

The ring you mention is a 22.9mm od threaded small ring that holds down the IR cut window.  Can be removed along with the window, which then leaves the sensor open to the air.

Have had my calipers out (obviously from the measurement of the screwe ring and am getting 22.9mm for that and then 25mm for the C thread on the adapter.  Have put more pics on that should give light to what is going on.  The one fo the adaptor has the screw ring sat on top of the C thread to show the difference


20161001_112846.jpg  20161001_112938.jpg  20161001_113123.jpg

focus is a bit iffy as was taken with my phone that refused to keep focus on the actual thing that was taking up the majority of the screen.

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That sounds like the original owner hasn't supplied you with the original QHY5L-II to C/CS mounting then. Here are some additional images to show the difference. Bern at Modern Astronomy should be able to help you out. I bought a filter-less QHY5 (30mm) to CS adapter from him as both mine were C adapters.




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Not sure who I bought it off on here....will dig through my history and see if I can find it

Will also drop Bern an email and see if there is anything he can sort out for me

Now st need to look for adapters/extensions to get the correct back focus distance sorted

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2 minutes ago, Shelster1973 said:


Not sure who I bought it off on here....will dig through my history and see if I can find it

Will also drop Bern an email and see if there is anything he can sort out for me

Now st need to look for adapters/extensions to get the correct back focus distance sorted

I'd get the adapter first, get a 'CS' one, not a 'C' as they are shorter. It is easier (in this case) to make a short one longer (by using a 5mm extension) than it is to make a long one shorter (by using a hacksaw)...the reason to get the adapter first is that there is generally a lot of travel in the lens focus which might work...

CS->C adapters can be bought off eBay (if you are not in a hurry get the same one from China for cheaper):

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1 minute ago, StuartJPP said:

I'd get the adapter first, get a 'CS' one, not a 'C' as they are shorter. It is easier (in this case) to make a short one longer (by using a 5mm extension) than it is to make a long one shorter (by using a hacksaw)...the reason to get the adapter first is that there is generally a lot of travel in the lens focus which might work...

CS->C adapters can be bought off eBay (if you are not in a hurry get the same one from China for cheaper):

Have one of those coming already. Should be here Tuesday 

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