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I'm off on tour for a couple of weeks in Croatia from tommorow.

Gonna take the binos and a tripod, cos I think we're doing some of the islands, so hopefully little light pollution.

I know I'll be able to see the whole of Scorpio and Saggitarius, so looking forward to that.

Anybody any other suggestions of what might be good to look for from this southerly latitude (or even any recommendations for binoculars in scorpio or saggi?)


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I was there in June. Awesome weather, CLEAR SKIES, and I had my binos. Sadly, I am still learning the northern skies and left my sky charts at home...M13, a wispy hint of M51 and Jupiter were the highlights for me.

Most of the coastal towns are fairly small so a 10-15 minute walk will put you in a relatively dark place - still, the light pollution is way less than here in the UK.

If you have a grab & go scope, it is really worth taking it too.


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Lot of stuff in Sagittarius alone for you.

M8, M21, M24, M16, M17, M69, M25, M22, M11 is well placed. M54, M55, M75,

The only Messier I can find in Capricorn is M30, a small 8.4 mag Glob. Alpha Capricorni is a multiple system the main two components are seperated by 376 arc seconds.

Hope the skies are dark and clear for you. Have a great holiday.

Ron. :thumbright:

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thanks folks,

i think its going to be a saggitarius trip.

am looking forward to seeing scorpio in entirety though.

always remember patrick moore describing it in my old observer's astronomy book as a "magnificent constellation"

don't think i ever seen capricorn. will have to have a look at that.



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