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2 inch filters with 1.25 diagonal - solving some problems


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Say I want to use a 1.25 diagonal on a 2 inch focuser to save weight on a small frac. I have to use an adapter, and I have a Baader clicklock adapter 2 to 1.25.

Turns out, unlike stock diagonals whose noses are 20mm, Lacerta 1.25 has a 30mm nose and it protrudes sufficiently so that a filter cannot be screwed on the adapter (which is threaded for filters).

How to solve this? Is 30mm length the standard one for diagonals? Try not pushing the diagonal all the way in? Finding a longer adaptor?

Would this be a solution?

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Baader Fine Tuning rings are useful because they are threaded for 2" filters on the bottom end. If you put, say, a 14mm Fine Tuning Ring on the end of the 1.25"-2" adapter (the one that the 1.25" diagonal is going in) then that should mean that the 2" filter can be threaded on in a position where the barrel of the diagonal won't come into contact with it.


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