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Time NEQ6 needs to 'settle' after GOTO command


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I am looking at dithering without guiding, or, more precisely, the settings I need for this.

I have been advised for the program I will be using that it is important to get the 'settle time' correct, which is the time that corresponds to the time that the NEQ6 needs to settle after a GoTo command. In my ignorance, I had not even considered that it would need time to settle!

Now the program defaults to a value of 5 seconds, so do users experienced with the NEQ6 think that this is a reasonable value, or should I allow longer? This is unlikely to be the limiting factor (things like allowing a cooling-gap with the DSLR, or download times to the lappy will probably be greater), so if a longer time is required it is not likely to slow me down.


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