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G53.6-2.2 supernova remnant optical counterpart

Tom How

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I thought I'd share another infrequently imaged supernova remnant, G53.6-2.2 in Sagitta appears to have a very faint optical counterpart with emission and filaments. 
Quite tough with the dense starfield, even with the 3nm filter. 

Might be interesting to come back with the OIII at some point.

Abell 63 (PK 53-3.1 ), a small 40' planetary nebula is lurking on the far left centre of the frame.

12*1500s with Astrodon 3nm Ha.

Takahashi Sky 90 
Atik 490 CCD Camera
Takahashi F4.5 reducer/flattener
Astrodon 3nm Ha filter

Off axis guider with SX Lodestar.
Homemade telescope mount.
Homemade telescope observatory dome.





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