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Lathe work.


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Just a quick shout out.    Is there anyone out there willing to help me by doing some aluminium lathing? 

I have asked a small co. Locally but they say they are not set up for alu lathe work, only steel.   And the company that he pointed me towards is to big, and this is to small a job.


thanks in advance.

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A bit odd that a company would say they are not set up for alu lathe work as it is much easier and quicker to machine than steel. They use the same machine and same tools and turn at approximately the same speed, just a little slower for alu if you are not cooling it so you don't warp the material with heat. Lathing is lathing and it makes no matter what material you are working with unless it is a particularly exotic and expensive material.

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19 minutes ago, purgitoria said:

A bit odd that a company would say they are not set up for alu lathe work as it is much easier and quicker to machine than steel. They use the same machine and same tools and turn at approximately the same speed, just a little slower for alu if you are not cooling it so you don't warp the material with heat. Lathing is lathing and it makes no matter what material you are working with unless it is a particularly exotic and expensive material.

Yes, my thoughts too, which is why I come here for referral, or advice.   If I had a lathe I would do it myself in less than an afternoon.


40 minutes ago, brantuk said:

Hi Bluemax - try Graham at Astrotecuk.co.uk

If it's practical to send him the work he'll do a good job for you at very reasonable prices I'm sure. Hth :)



Thanks brantuk I will email 1st thing tomorrow!

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20 minutes ago, bluemaxroe said:

  If I had a lathe I would do it myself in less than an afternoon.

I'm just waiting to get back to work myself so i can get back on the lathe and finish off my camera housing i started a while back but got stuck while waiting on the dome and imaging sensor to get delivered 2 months late.

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