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couple of peseids in the clouds

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the weather man said it was blanket cloud all night and I couldn't go outside and needed to go bed......nah think ill wait, at about  12 the clouds parted leaving some pretty good gaps right above, woke the kids up as I promised them a firework display if it wasn't cloudy, I wasn't let down, this is the first time my two have seen meteors and I knew exactly when they saw their first one. for a few mins I got "think I saw one daddy" errr no that's a satellite....then.. WOOOOW DID YOU SEE THAT DADDY. now I have no hearing as two children scream in my ears. was a good hour before I even decided to get the camera out and by that time clouds were rolling back in. not the greatest but I got empeseid1.jpgpeseid2.jpg

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