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Loading the Washington D/Star into Cdc

astro mick

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On 08/08/2016 at 10:51, astro mick said:

Can anyone advise how i can load this double star catalogue into Cartes du Ciel.

Not sure what you mean by "load", it should already be loaded (installed) in your default Ciel installation folder under cat\wds but needs activating >

Go to Settings (top left next to File & Edit), then Catalog,  CdC Stars tab,  tick the box Doubles. click Apply.  You should then see some doubles appear (stars get little tails ),  click OK !

If however that does not work and the File Path box turns red instead, then we have a problem and we need to try other things :)


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22 hours ago, astro mick said:

Thanks for that.

Did try that,

Ah, wish I'd known that, wud'av saved my one remaining typing digit !

So have you found your cat\wds folder, is there anything in it? Or, to put it another way, where is this "Washington D/star" that you wish to load living at the moment ?

Have you tried the "browse" button by the side of the box that turned red, that is normally used to tell CdC the path to the cat if the default path is not valid.



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3 hours ago, astro mick said:

Well cant seem to find a download link for the WDS.

You shouldnt need to ( well not yet anyway ! we were working up to that !! ) it should be on your hd already from when you installed CdC, that was why I was asking all the questions - trying to determine what had gone wrong, where it was and  what we could do about it - like pointing your installed CdC at it wherever it was. Downloading cat to put on by itself is full of pitfalls and it would be easier just to re-install a whole new CdC.


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