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Cheap Lens for moon photos


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Hi all,


Wondering what some opinions are for a cheap lens that can get my decent closeup pictures of the moon with some above average detail. I've mainly been into landscape stuff but I really want to give this a try. I've seen Rokinon/samyang make those crazy 650-1300mm lenses for really cheap. Does anyone have any experience with those?



Also have been looking at this:



My budget would ideally be in the sub-$300 range. I'm not trying to win any awards, I just want to take some decent pictures of the moon. I have a Nikon D3300 if that helps.


Thank you!!



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The cheaper tele lenses will often disappoint, I can get reasonable images with an L lens and TC but expensive. 

I would personally recommend a Celestron C90 Mak or similar, I get good lunar shots with it and has a nice focusing action, it does vignette slightly with a DSLR but nothing that cant be corrected in post processing.

There is a shot  taken with the Mak in this thread. 

This thread is also worth a look.



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15 minutes ago, Alien 13 said:

The cheaper tele lenses will often disappoint, I can get reasonable images with an L lens and TC but expensive. 

I would personally recommend a Celestron C90 Mak or similar, I get good lunar shots with it and has a nice focusing action, it does vignette slightly with a DSLR but nothing that cant be corrected in post processing.

There is a shot  taken with the Mak in this thread. 

This thread is also worth a look.



Ill check those threads out, thanks! I tried imaging with the nexstar 127SLT, but i cant fit the whole moon in and have to resort to making a stitched image, I'd like to get away from that. Would i have the same problem with the 90?

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I hadn't noticed that you had a 127SLT already but the 90 has a shorter focal length and the whole disc fits in the frame of my APS C sensor for still shots but clips it slightly when using the camera in video mode. The 90 is also light and compact enough to fit on a photo tripod.


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2 hours ago, Alien 13 said:

I hadn't noticed that you had a 127SLT already but the 90 has a shorter focal length and the whole disc fits in the frame of my APS C sensor for still shots but clips it slightly when using the camera in video mode. The 90 is also light and compact enough to fit on a photo tripod.


I also bought the Orion 80mm refractor, got it used for a good price. I cant seem to focus on the moon with my camera through it, though. is there some sort of piece I can buy, like an extender or something?

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1 hour ago, nmoore6 said:

I also bought the Orion 80mm refractor, got it used for a good price. I cant seem to focus on the moon with my camera through it, though. is there some sort of piece I can buy, like an extender or something?

If you are using a refactor without a diagonal as you would when fitting a DSLR then you need a two inch extension https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/t2-extension-tube-set.html, this can be a threaded T adapter or if the scope has a 2 inch focusser you can use a camera adapter like this https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/skywatcher-2-inch-t-adapter.html.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/30/2016 at 12:56, Alien 13 said:

If you are using a refactor without a diagonal as you would when fitting a DSLR then you need a two inch extension https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/t2-extension-tube-set.html, this can be a threaded T adapter or if the scope has a 2 inch focusser you can use a camera adapter like this https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/skywatcher-2-inch-t-adapter.html.


Hey, sorry to restart this thread, and thanks for your help but I had another quick question. I got the 2 inch extension, should be here soon. With the orion shortttube 80, would i connect my camera to the extension, and then connect that directly to the scope? Or should I include a diagonal in the equation?

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