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Not That It Matters.


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Hi TJ - the difference may be down to the fact the scope gets it's position info from overhead satellites live when you run it up on the day. Not sure how the nasa info is sourced - possibly via geographic survey - and maybe the accuracy levels vary a little between them. It could also be affected by your tablet - dunno how - but with 3 variables in the equation there's likely to be a little variance somewhere. That's my guess. :)

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Well then, from where is your unit getting the time? Is it from the GPS satellite or the network (internet) ? GPS positioning is accurate, depending on which mask is employed at the moment, to within mere feet. The time is accurate to within an inconceivably small amount. Which mask is being employed at the moment is the decision of the U.S. military. They control the GPS system. Which mask applied in any area of the world is determined by who and where we are trying to blast into the stone age with cruise missiles. In any respect I would trust the multi bazillion dollar GPS over the Chinese made tablet. In geographical/navigational terms Longitude and time are interchangeable quantities.  If we use the solar rate of 0.25 degrees per minute. It's 360 degrees in 24 hours, so 360/24/60=0.25 degrees/minute, and 0.33 degrees would then be 1 minute 8 seconds. I believe that it is a stretch to think that your network time would be that far off, so I would first look at where the tablet got the positional numbers from. Any error there would be compounded by any network delays or errors in the tablet timing.



















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