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Forum Upgrade & Downtime Earlier Today (27th May)

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Firstly - apologies for the downtime and lack of notice, a major upgrade to the forum software was released a day or so ago which I had planned to do over the bank holiday weekend but today, and update was added which contained some security fixes that meant I wanted to get this installed straightaway.

The upgrade has required a rebuild of the search index which means that for the next few hours, searches (including streams) may not return the correct or full results - please be patient, it will finish soon :)

The update installed today introduces a lot of fixes and some new features which some of you will definitely like! :)

  • Activity Stream improvements - when you click on an item to view it, and go back you now return to the same position you were in before - this has been the number one requested features of activity streams and it's definitely something I will find very useful! Other improvements to streams include clearer toggles and filters.
  • Preview posts! You can now preview a post before actually submitting it - in the text editor toolbar on the right hand side is a preview button that lets you see how your post will look on a variety of different devices
  • Search - you can now filter searches by the specific forum or category you are interested in
  • Mentions - you can now ignore mention notifications either globally or from specific members

There are lots of other little fixes and changes but the above are the main ones.

These changes have resulted in some major updates to the templates we use - whilst I hope I have implemented most of our custom changes again if anybody notices anything odd or out of place, please report it as usual in the Suggestions, Bugs, Errors and Foibles forum :)



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