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M27 - Dumbbell Nebula re-process


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Another re-process to keep my hand in over the summer nights.

This one's from the 12th August 2015, which was a remarkably transparent night around these parts!

The gear used is listed in my signature (except I didn't own the coma corrector then, not actually such an issue on this large crop.)


25 x 300s lights @ ISO 800, no darks (& no dithering), 50 flats, 50 bias.

Not sure why I didn't dither but must have been a technical issue because I know the value!

The first image is the original, the second is the new process (thanks to wimvb  for pointing out the massive green cast the first time I posted, I really should get a better monitor as well :rolleyes2:). Hopefully there's more depth in the newer one. The background is noisier though, maybe I should hold that back more. If you click the first image you can then click the left and right arrows to go back and forth between them to (hopefully!) see the differences more easily. Just noticed you can also use the left/right cursor keys which makes it even easier.

Thanks for looking, comments either way very welcome.





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1 hour ago, wimvb said:

Nice rework. The second image has a green cast, try SCNR if you use PixInsight, or an equivalent if you use PS.

Thanks for sharing

@wimvb , Thanks for pointing that out, totally correct! :icon_salut: Having got it back into PS in a darkened room and hopefully corrected it with HLVG, all I've got to say is I NEED TO STOP PROCESSING IN A DAYLIT ROOM!! :rolleyes2: I've replaced the image in the OP, thanks again.


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