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Astronomy Fairs


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Just wondered if anyone knows of a good list of all the astronomy fairs happening across the UK. It would be good to compile a list I think.

I noticed that the SouthWest fair isn't on the calendar here for Saturday 9th August, and I've done a search of the forums but not come up with much other than that one.

I'm sure there must be more happening in the UK than that over the course of the year, and that there must be some long standing events which happen every year.

Ta! :grin:

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That would be a really neat idea.

Some sort of searchable calendar with month-at-a-view and/or year-at-a-view modes would be neat. One could have a separate version for society talks as well. Ever better would be if there was also a facility to do a radius search or county search for the venue.

I have no idea how to do this; could the existing calendar tab on this website be modified to do this? Any web programmers out there?

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