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Looking for re-figuring assistance


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Hi all

I have  12" f/10 cassegrain mirror set that shows poor surface quality on the primary and unknown surface on the secondary since I can't test a convex mirror.

I have star tested the pair and they come up wanting in terms of combined quality. The Foucault and ronchi test on the primary shows high frequency concentric ripple and 'scouring' which is what I think leads to the poor image quality.

I have a quote from Oldham for its re-figuring but to be honest its more than I can afford and I can't (yet - if ever) re-figure a 12" f/2.7 parabolic primary due to not having the skills.

Anyone know who I could contact to get a more affordable (ie semi-am rather than pro 'cos I don't think the price was inflated for a professional optician) refiguring ?





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