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Taking the Strain

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Hi, I'm pretty new to all this and have a query about weight on the focuser.

This is on a Opticstar 102s , EQ5 with AstroEQ goto.

For widefield I intended using my Nikon D300s but when I set everything up I can barely achieve dec balance.

The train is = focuser + flip mirror + camera.

I am worried about the weight of the camera putting too much strain on the system.

I also have a D70s which is much lighter but doesn't give me the options for intervalomter, wifi tether etc.

Do I have to start saving for a dedicated deep sky cam or find ways of reducing the strain.

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The Dec balance will only matter when guiding, it can be offset only guiding in one direction for Dec so that the gears stay meshed.


You could ditch the flip mirror and plate solve instead, this would lose some weight.

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Ronin, thanks giving me a wake up call, I have used the D70s very little as I only bought it as a back up. I have just looked on Ebay and found I can get an adaptor that will fit my current intervalometer for a couple of pounds.

Grateful for the reply.


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D4N. Thank you also, the balance was way off, I was thinking I might have to add a lump of "something" the front of the dovetail.

Will see what it's like with the D70, and if it's only just off I won't worry about it.

Thanks again.

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