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Starting with DSLR.

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I am from Slovenia and I am 14, so I am not so good in English.

I would like to strat with Astrophotography. Ihave an EQ5 GOTO Skywatcher mount, nikon D5200 with 18-300 lens and 200/1000 Skywatcher telescope.

Would it be better if i start with DSLR and 300mm lens on GOTO mount, and when I get to know things i switch to CCD and telescope?

What is your oppinion?

Clear skies!


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You have the mount, the dslr and the lens, get going with that, why not there is so much to learn anyway taking the images and processing, start with what you have. Your mount from reading posts will manage very well with the much lighter weight from the camera and lens.

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Thanks for fast reply! Ok i will start with that. I am also searching on internet for 1 hour how to take widefield pictures with GOTO. Any suggestions? Or do I just use normal tripod for wide angle and make 10s exposures?

I am planning to put Dslr on telescope for DSO imagging (there is a screw on it) or would it be better if I put dslr DIRECTLY on mount?

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Your eq5 goto mount will have motors, it probably already tracks correctly. Align your tripod as normal, I wouldn't bother with the goto bit first go though I am unfamiliar with your mount to know if you have to star align it every time you use it. If you don't then point the camera where you want to have a go at imaging. Could fit a reddot finder to the camera if you want to make it more precise.

For wide field images use the lens at 22mm or so. Stop it down once our twice to improve star shape.


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