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First Attempt At A Mosaic


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Hey guys, thought this would be a more suitable place than in the beginners image area.

So last night I managed to get outside for about an hour before the clouds rocked up, managed to get about 30-45 mins of time on the Pleiades doing some 3-4 min subs.

Went to stack with my other Pleiades data and found i'd not got the same area as before so "ahah i though" lets try a mosaic and here it is.


I'm rather happy with the first attempt although I do know the processing can be much better but for some reason when I went to remove the background in PI it basically changed it to about 60% transparent, i'll revisit over the weekend while waiting for hopefully clear skies

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I thought rather than make a new topic as it's another mosaic of mine i'd add to this thead.

Orion and Running Man Nebula mosaic, image was created using photographs of 4 sections of the area over the last 2 months. These were then calibrated and aligned in Pixinsight to give me in total 7 images, I then used MICE to stitch them together then a final process to bring out the colour and detail using photoshop CS5.5 and layering on top a further image of M42's core to reduce the blowout of the core in the original stack.


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In your M45 it looks as though you had a much better sky for the upper image than the lower. In the lower you only have the stars but in the upper there is nebulosity and contrast which is cut off by the lower. Doing mosaics in imperfect skies is soul destroying, believe me! We do rather a lot of them here.

As well as a consistent sky you need excellent flats. Without these the vignetting will reappear at every point of overlap.

How are you doing these? Are you combining the stretched or the linear images?


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yes the upper half did have better sky conditions, to be honest i cant remember if i stretched then stitched but i think i created the mosaic first then stretched etc afterwards I still have lots to learn to get the best images as well as flats, darks, bias etc

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