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Don't tempt me!! I have sworn to go the Zeiss way if(!) I ever decide to upgrade the Vixen 10x56 I currently have (just because the Zeiss use different roof prisms allowing a touch better transmission). The 15x70s are safe for now, unless the Lunt 16x70 or the Vixen Arc 16x80 have significantly better eye relief.

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Oh heck! [desperately scrabbling around for an excuse]

 The 15x70s are safe for now, unless the Lunt 16x70 or the Vixen Arc 16x80 have significantly better eye relief.

The Lunt does. The details you want are:

Eye relief as measured from eye lens: Apollo - 18mm; Lunt - 20mm

Eye lens recess: Apollo - 8mm; Lunt - 3mm

Eye-cup depth (i.e. how much extra you get when you fold it down): Apollo - 6mm; Lunt - 10mm

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I could buy the missus a pair of 8x30s, as she doesn't like my bigger 10x50 and 1056 types. On the other hand, she is not into nature watching of any kind in a big way, so it would probably just sit there and not be used, so I would really have to use it from time to time myself :angel:

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(Also, did you see my edit re Lunt eye relief above?)

Interesting data. I might go for the Lunt at some time. I will possibly be in the US (Arizona) next year, and might snap one up while I am there. I will also check out the ER on the Vixen Arc. I used a 20x80 some years back, and it was quite comfortable, I remember. However, the 16x has different EPs so I will check those out

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