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Imaging with a Skywatcher Heritage Virtuoso

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Hi all,

first off, apologies if I've chosen the wrong board to post this question.

I'm interested in acquiring a lightweight, tracking telescope that can be used to do some casual imaging with, using a DSLR.

I had been looking at the Skywatcher 114p Heritage Virtuoso. Can anyone tell me if this is capable of supporting a DSLR through the use of a T-ring adaptor?

I know that a camera can be attached to the mount itself, but my main aim is to capture some objects through the eyepiece.

If this isn't possible with the scope in question, could you guide me to another that would do the job? The criteria I am looking for is lightweight with a tracking mount, preferably under the £250 mark.

Thanks for your help,


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The virtuoso has a 4 kilo max payload.

How much does the 114p weigh.

Using a homemade wedge has been tried but not with any results shared.

I think it would be better if it were used with just a camera and lens the weight would be less of an issue.

The 114p I think has a primary mirror factory collimated, I could be wrong, if it is would be hard to address if with a dslr it ran out of focus travel if using a dslr assuming the focuser could take the weight.

On mine I have 3 telescopes I can use as they all fit the mount. Just need clear skies to actually use it!

Tee imaging, it is an altaz might so does not track equatorially but by tiny left right up down movements so any imaging would be short exposures.

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