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M27 Test Shot


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Man, do I need more subs -this object just isn't possible with a one-shot exposure! Horribly noisy and just barely visible...

One 30-sec. exposure @ ISO200 with Canon 30D (Hutech modification) using TMB130SS on EQ6PRO, adjusted with PS-2.


(click to enlarge)

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I think that there is very little wrong with your image. Spend a little more time with it in Photoshop and it could be a winner. :cat:

I've reduced the noise a bit and it looks better already although to my eye it seems that the saturation needs toning down a bit but that's a personal thing. :shocked:



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Thats not a bad image for just one 30 sec exposure Dave, i would certainly be pleased with that image as a test shot.....Processing the data has to be one of the hardest parts.....its just a matter of playing around with various settings in PS2.....A lot of trial and error involved but with plenty of practice at processing and you will soon be on the right track.


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