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Unmounted LP filter with baader protective ring


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Hi all,

As I live under a light polluted sky, my end goal is NB CCD... but until I have enough in the bank, I have to work with my modded DSLR. I got a Baader protective ring (a really nice piece of hardware) for my Canon 1000D and I am shopping for a ligth pollution filter but I am not sure which way to go :/

In the protective ring manual it says: "All unmounted 50.4mm Baader filters, and Baader 2" filters mounted in low-profile filter cells (LPFC) may be used with the Protective T-ring."

Problem is, I could not find a Baader unmounted 50.4 LP filter :( only astronomik (which is fine by me too) I wrote to Baader to see if they make one.

Either way, I will still need an LP filter, so in your experience:

- in term of resale value, should I go for a regular 2" (M48) filter or is unmounted ok ?

- are there other filters with better value for the price or are Baader and Astronomik the popular choices ? IDAS ?

- what can I really expect from the LP filters ? Are they only for specific targets (emission nebula) or can I expect to be able to photograph galaxies also ?

- I don't see the difference between UHC filter and CLS filters (LP) are they the same ?

All comments are welcomed :)

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I got an answer from Baader.

(1) the Astronomik unmounted filters do not fit in the Baader protective ring

- "We do not offer this product to be used with Astronomics-filters -.the diameters do not fit"

(2) the LP filter recommended is an UHC-S Filter

- "an UHC-S Filter would be the right choice. Its available also in 50,4mm size"

I was under the impression that UHC-S filters were for visual but I guess I was wrong ;)

My only question remaining then is:  what can I really expect from an UHC-S filter ? What target will be availlable ? Only emission nebula or can I expect to be able to photograph galaxies also ?

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