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EQ5 Single Axis Motor Drive - Transform 12V to 6V


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Hello guys,

I've read a lot on how to do it, but didn't come to a conlusion. Unfortunately, I can't find anything like this to buy here in Brazil ==> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12v-24v-REGULATED-DC-DC-ADAPTER-1500mA-cig-cigar-1-5v-3v-4-5v-6v-7-5v-9v-12v-/231176243448?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item35d32d88f8. Even though I could find, I'm not sure if this would work since it is only 1500mA.

My power supply ( http://marcosaugusto.com.br/index.php/2015/10/10/eq5-motor-drive/) label says 6V and 2.8A output. However, when I measure with my multimeter, it results in 6V and 5.5Amp.

It is working fine now. It's tracking stars properly.

Now I would like to plug it in my car, since some times I take my 150mm Maksutov and the EQ5 to the countryside. My car plug is 12V.

I have a lot of resistors here (and other components like transitors and capacitors) with me and a LM7806 regulator which is limited to 1,5Amp output.

Can I just wire the LM7806 input on the 12V and the output in my Motor Drive control directly? Would it result in current variations that could burn the control?

Thank you for the support!

Clear skies!

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