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I currently live in london and have a celestron astromaster 130eq-md and got the lens. i was thinking of upgrading the lens to the celestron kit 1.25lens. 

what do you guys think of it? Im still a newbie to astronomy and wanted to get more into it :) 

the link for the kit is below :) 

do you guys think its worth it or what do you guys recommend. and do you think ill be able to see like star clusters and stuff from it ? 


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Hi there

I think this is the same set of eyepieces that Revelation package up into their eyepiece set, which I have. You'll get a reasonable range of eyepieces here, and they're decent value for money. I use them with a Revelation 12" dob; I know there are much much better eyepieces out there, and one day I hope to own some of them, but this was a good kit to give me a nice range from day 1. They would probably be a good match the scope you have. I haven't really used the filters in the package though so can't comment on those.

They're also available from Telescope House under the Revelation brand - a solid, reliable UK dealer.

All the best


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It's a pleasure.

Your scope is very similar to the first scope I had (a Tasco 4.5" reflector). It was the scope that got me hooked, even though the eyepieces it came with were very limited. I saw the phases of Venus, , the Mars polar ice cap and main surface markings, the main belts of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn in all their splendor, and many Messier-class star clusters. I was fortunate that this scope mainly got used under very dark skies, which will impact your viewing a lot. But I also saw a lot of nebulae and galaxies and, of course, the view of the moon were great. Don't expect Hubble-style views with any of this; the joy in many cases is in the subtlety of what you can see. But the eyepiece kit you're looking at will be suitable for other scopes if you later upgrade.

One thing you'll need to check is that the scope you have accepts 1.25" diameter eyepieces. My little Tasco used smaller lenses, but that was 23 years ago....



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