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Digital Finder Scope

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I bought a new C-mount lens for my mono Altair GPCAM which I use as a digital finder, the new lens is a 6mm f/l 1/2" format (and the camera is 1/3" sensor so effectively equivalent to about 8mm). The old lens was fairly poor quality but this one is pretty sharp. The image below is wide open @ f/1.4, a single 5 sec snapshot showing the view from the top of the scope, about 5" off-axis. The camera wasn't accurately aligned with the centre-line of the scope so it was pointing a little to the right (since corrected). In the image the scope is pointing at the Bubble Nebula in Cassiopeia, the little rectangle represents the FOV of the Atik490EX. I shall have a bit of fun with camera, when there's no bright moon (or clouds!) it can go pretty deep.



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