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Photoshop Subscription Price saving

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I've been toying with PS for a while now as I have found, with the free trial, that I get on with it a bit more than GIMP. GIMP is still great, but I find PS a little more user friendly for me. Anyway, I have been putting off the purchase because of the psychological barrier presented by the price - which is probably a reasonable amount when you consider the cost of software and upgrades!

I somehow managed to update software while on the trial and got another month free, so am only just getting round to buying it - logged in today and noticed the price has been dropped to £6.98/month until 28th August. Probably a widely publicised offer, and I am probably the last person to notice, but just thought I would share it in case anyone else was ummming an ahhhing like me . Contract is for 12 months, but the price is fixed for those 12 months,

Time to get watching tutorials!

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Oh, sorry Tim! :eek: Still, at least it was only a couple of quid, could have been a lot worse.

Ha ha. Adobe sent me an e-mail today as a user of Elements with the same price offer, so I got on to them and they cancelled my sub and started me again on the lower price!  :laugh:

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