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Multiple Star System with 5 stars in constellation of Velorum. Because of precession (the  26,000-year wobble of the Earth's axis), Delta Vel will be a South Pole star around 9000 AD.

The system consists of 2 groups

1º group:

A and Aa - discovered in the year 2000 by eclipsing binary - spectroscopic binary with orbit around 45.15 days, distant of 0.5 UA.

A and B - separation of 0,6 arcsec to 2 arcsec (eliptic orbit), orbit period of 142 years and distant of 49 UA.

Star A: magnitude 1.97
Star B: magnitude 5.55

2º group:

C - D separation of 6 arcosec and  70 arcosec from the first group, with period of orbit around 2 thousands years.

C - probably class M red Dwarf, magnitude 11
D - probably class M red Dwarf, magnitude 13.5

GSO 305 mm - Canon T3 - ISO 1600 - 6 x 15 seg (90 segundos) - OAG - Skyglow Filter - Coma Corrector


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