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Roll 1 D20 For Alignment Change!


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Several days ago I was struggling pretty bad with computer interfacing and the scope. stellarium rolled over! Nexremote? it just laughed at me.

than came along RTGUI it would was being shy with the scope, talking very little, but talking none the less.

Then Peter brought forth Wisdom for his great tomes, directing me to get Carte du Ciel and the ASCOM platform with the correct driver package.

as soon as I hooked up the scope, the laptop and scope acted as though they were long lost friends and began talking without stepping on each others toes!  I was excited!

fast forward to a day later, and my fast friends get to take a stroll outside with me as chapperone! though i kept having issues with them arguing weither they were pointed to juiper or not. every object i instructed the scope to move too was slightly off to the bottom left.  this persisted through an auto align, a twostar align and quick align,  i finally went back to the two star align and began messing with the settings in Carte Du Ciel.

on one of the many menus i saw AZ selected and though what the hell ill just click it off and see what happens.

It was as though i rmeoved the thorn from the lions paw.  Slew to jupiter?  Dead center!  Slew to Venus? WOOT another Bullseye!  how bout the moon?  Yup right on target!  Saturn???? aww off a bit but still in view of my 20mm EP

I was Victorious!  But shortly after that everything was getting pretty dim, and i encountered my next Dungeon boss, the Viceroy of Dew...

I would wipe off the ep and within secconds could not see again,  i decided to pack it up at that point and try to find out how to keep dew off my ep's

still have yet to slay that creatue!

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