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Good DSLR processing video.


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Just a heads up to a link posted in Droogie 2001's thread asking about Registar. http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/246659-anyone-use-registar/#entry2682991

The Tony Hallas video might be a huge help to those imaging with DSLRs. I don't believe Registar is really needed to follow Tony's method, as I say later in the thread. What was new to me was the idea that you need to do a super-dither to get rid of what he calls 'colour mottle.'  He suggests a dither of several pixels whereas many dither routines are much smaller than that. It's a convincing point.

I've started this thread just to make the Tony Hallas video more visible to anyone doing DSLR imaging.


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The programmes I've seen seem to default to much less than that but for DSLR I'm sure you're right.


I guess the amount needed and the effect will be different for different fov's/resolutions. But making sure you pick a sufficient amount is absolutely necessary of course. 

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