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Celestron nexstar 5/8 hand controller exploded

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Hi there I just blew up my nexstar 8" hand controller using a faulty celestron power adapter. I have searched to try and find a new one but that seems unlikely at this point as no other hand controller is compatible with the original nexstar 5/8 except the 5/8 controller. 

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas to save my scope.

I thought about using a virtual hand controller but apparently the 5/8 is not supported.

Any ideas on how to save my scope or where to find a new 5/8 controller would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks heaps, Stefan

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Thank you very much Peter I will keep a look out but the original nexstar 8 only works with the nexstar 5" or 8" hand controller and these seem quite rare.

Cheers have a good day. Stefan

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I would contact David Hinds about the early handsets and compatibility.

It doesn't make much sense that the 5" and 8" are compatible whereas the 4" and 6" are not, especially the 6".

The 6" and 8" share the same mount, the 4" and 5" share a different mount. At a guess the gearing on each mount is different so it is strange that the compatability are not 4" and 5" and then 6" and 8".

The connection will be the same across the 4" and 5" mount and if different (doubt it) then the bigger mount for the 6" and 8" will also be the same. They will simply produce a light mount and a heavy mount, then stick a 4" or 5" OTA on the light one or a 6" or 8" OTA on the heavier.

The other thing is email Celestron and ask them, I think Celestron actually respond to emails.

It is this correspondance of mount to OTA that makes it somewhat strange that is this 5"/8" handset compatibility and not either fully compatible or at least 6" and 8".

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