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Hmmm that was not expected ...

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Imaging in really atrocious conditions (in Paris, in my kitchen, over rooftops) I was pleased of my first shot of Jupiter on my C6+3x Barlow+ Toucam+IR/UV filter.

... Then I browsed the imaging forum and felt miserable, but that is another story.

The first image is the 3rd and last effort on a low Saturn (but very good seeing conditions) that I took with my C6. Notice that it is kind of blueish and out of focus

Saturn 20150326T035957 S3 TRAIN.B3 D IRUV Published

I sold my C6 and got an SW 80ED (planning to buy a MAK 180 later when I get back to planetary. For now I'll focus on DSOs)
The sky was so clear last night that I decided to try my luck at Saturn with not a lot of expectations on the end result. It took me half the time and effort I had put in my attempts on the C6 to get this:

Saturn 20150603T223345 S3 TRAIN.B3 D IRUV

Same conditions (kitchen and all) but it comes out way better compared to the C6. I would have thought that the short focal ratio would give me no details at all but it is in fact better and crisper.

Some others bits were also changed beside the OTA: I got myself a 2" 99% dielectric diagonal and I now have a decent focuser. Could this be the explanation on such an improvement ?

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Visually I have seen Jupiter with a refractor and the next night through an SCT, the conditions were as identical as I could tell.

The refractor totally beat the SCT for detail, it was smaller but a lot better on the detail and your 2 images show similar.

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Any idea why one would show that blue tint even though they were processed indentically ? I wonder if it has something to do with the 2" diagonal gathering more light and being better optically than the stock diagonal I was using with the SCT ...

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