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Gina's DIY All Sky Camera - Mark3 - with QHY5L-II-C


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Well, so far it is holding up pretty good. software to print is called Cura (version 17.10) and it is quite intuitive. I don't like the way it builds up support structures though. When you remove them it leave an rippled structure behind which you need to take off with hand tools.

Sometimes when printing starts it does not provide material right at the start. luckily it starts with an brim around the printed object which has no function so if this partly doesn't print due to the lack of material it does not really mind...

So far I printed with ABS 3mm black only and a small bit (1m) of yellow HIPS which was included with the printer. Both work well although I think the HIPS prints a bit better. I should also be able to print PLA (ABS is officially not supported but prints ok so far).

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It takes a while for filament to start coming out of the nozzle.  I think this is one purpose of the brim - it happens with all my printers.  I noticed in the reviews that your printer prints HIPS, it's a type of filament I haven't tried and I think I will.  I'll buy some next week and see how I get on with it.  My RepRap style printers are designed to take any filament with extrusion temperature up to 300°C.  My best results so far have been with ABS but I've also tried PLA and Nylon with some success.

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Hi Gina, first of all a Happy New Year. Another question: what internal temperature sensor did you use (I notice for outside temperature you used the DHT22 but I couldn't find the type nr. of the internal sensor)?

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But it is worth it:




test fit:




Support structure broke loose realy easy this time leaving hardly any traces. I used 0.2 mm as Z gap which I suspect helped a lot to ensure it does not stick so much.

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Looks good Rob :)  My software wouldn't have used support for that angle but if you're happy with it that's fine :)  Hint for the top - I found I needed black to stop light from the Arduino Nano getting to the dome.  Since I had printed the case in light green I used "direct onto plastic" matt black spray paint (stuck well to ABS - don't know about other plastics).

Yes, I'm very happy for you to use my code :)  In fact, I publish the code for all my projects for others to use as they feel fit.  All my projects are put in the Public Domain for general interest and for anyone to use if they like.  As usual I give no guarantees that anything I publish/post will work nor may I be liable for any damage or distress caused by building them.

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Should be in this thread or in previous thread this thread links to but I'll check.  Be a bit later because I'm only on a short break while sorting out urgent storm and rain repairs.  Dry weaather ATM but only briefly.

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I'm also in the process of making a few more AllSky cams ;-) The printed casing should work well because the hollow walls/air pockets will provide better insulation and keep the heat inside so it doesn't mist up so easily. The camera plate will be alloy though (which acts as a heat sink). My domes still have the protective coverings in place but I'll use the same flange and rubber seal arrangement as last time which worked very well to keep water out.



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