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Guiding with ZWO ASI120MM-s

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Hi. I know there are boundless threads asking about the ASI120 cameras, as well as the non "s" version, comparing them against the QHY5L-II as a planetary camera/guide camera, so hopefully i haven't missed this question being answered elsewhere!

Basically, I want to move into guiding towards the end of the summer and have been looking at the ASI120MM and the mono QHY5L-II as potential guide cameras, occasional planetary cameras, and possibly a way to cut my team on RGB imaging (just to learn the process really) before splurging on something like an ATIK later down the line.

The question I have is, if the main purpose is guiding, is there any real advantage of the "S" version of the ZWO over the other two when it comes to guiding. The other cameras largely look the same and I don't think there is much to chose between them, but I was wondering whether the USB3 support for the newer ZWO makes a difference on guiding? Does it make it easier to identify a guide star and track it? Or at least a noticeable difference that will justify the extra outlay?

I may be talking out of you know what as I am new to all this so just reading reading reading about them at the moment as i decide what the best way into guiding (for me) is.



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For guiding I would say no. For fast transfer rates I'd say yes. The USB 3 cam I would imagine has better transfer rates on the faster machines for files which would in turn mean faster FPS I would think. 

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Cheers, I was assuming that there would be little difference with guiding as opposed to the additional benefits of USB3 and data transfer... I have read a few things about problems with the compatibility of the non-S version.

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