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I've been using the superb PCFE program for a couple of years now and I'm mighty impressed. Unfortunately I've hit a snag which I hope someone can help me with.

I've taken a series of 12 x 1600-frame AVIs of Saturn which I want to put through Registax. I've split them into just over 19,000 bmp frames and put them through PCFE for sorting and cropping prior to processing them in Registax. Now here is my problem - PCFE only produced an output of 10,000 frames.

1) Is this a maximum limit on the program?

2) If the answer to 1) is yes,

(a) Is this 10,000 frames the best 10,000 frames out of the 19,000 + original frames, or is it

(:( a sorted set of the first 10,000 frames, or is it

© the first 10,000 frames, unsorted?

3) Is there a work around so that I can produce output of all 19,000 + frames? Do you know if the DOS version (ppmcentre) has this limitation?


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It would be interesting to find out but bear in mind that the difference between registaxing 10,000 and 20,000 images is not going to be that great. I find the real bottleneck is that the quality estimator in Registax (and probably in ninox/pcfe/ppmcentre) seems not to conform with my subjective visual estimation. For instance, it will assign a high quality to images with no Cassini division visible.

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For instance, it will assign a high quality to images with no Cassini division visible.

And vice versa, Themos.

I'm on the lookout for some (cheap, hopefully free) standalone software that'll analyse frames, looking for specific data such as the CD. I've found a few hopeful candidates, if any of them pass the test, I'll let you know. If somebody else has already found something, we're all ears!

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