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Eye Pieces for a Meade LD200


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Going to hate this, but there are 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 inch LX200's.

Which one?

Generally it is the 8" and f/10.

My sort of generic advice is one at the f number, one a bit shorter, one a bit longer and 2 at the medium+long areas.

In simple terms that is 8mm, 10mm, 12mm then whatever, using the BST's 18mm and 25mm.

Now BST do not do a 10mm so that leaves 8, 12, 18 and 25.

That gives 250x, 167x, 111x and 80x.

Not sure I like the jump at the 8-12mm end.

May be better with X-Cels 9mm, 12mm, 18mm and 25mm.

The 9mm giving 222x.

That may seem better.

If you want to spend more then BST/X-Cel costs I am not sure what is available.

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Going to hate this, but there are 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 inch LX200's.

Which one?

Generally it is the 8" and f/10.

My sort of generic advice is one at the f number, one a bit shorter, one a bit longer and 2 at the medium+long areas.

In simple terms that is 8mm, 10mm, 12mm then whatever, using the BST's 18mm and 25mm.

Now BST do not do a 10mm so that leaves 8, 12, 18 and 25.

That gives 250x, 167x, 111x and 80x.

Not sure I like the jump at the 8-12mm end.

May be better with X-Cels 9mm, 12mm, 18mm and 25mm.

The 9mm giving 222x.

That may seem better.

If you want to spend more then BST/X-Cel costs I am not sure what is available.

Hi mate, 

it's the 10'' one I have. I've recently just been given it from my grandfather. I have been using a Skywatcher 6'' ED100 so it's quite a step up. Thanks for the info, i'm currently browsing through some pieces just now. 

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I have some basic eye pieces for it, but looking for something that might compliment the scope if you get me?

Any suggestions from previous or current users? Any help appreciated. 

Joe :)

It'll be easier if we know what eyepieces you already have, and what are your observation preferences, e.g. The Moon? planets?open clusters? globular? nebulae? double stars?

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Sticking to the BST and X-Cel options as the scope if 10" f/10 so about 2500mm focal length I would say that if you are feeling uo to the idea buy the 25mm, 18mm, 15mm and 12mm BST at £200, or the 25mm, 18mm and 12mm X-Cel (they do not do a 15mm) at £180.

With the focal length you have I half think an 8mm in BST would be too much, about 312x. You might use it successfully once or twice a year and neither do a 10mm for 250x. Again the X-Cel have the 9mm which is not so big a jump (1mm difference is significant) The focal length is sort of the problem as even a small change in eyepiece focal length makes a fair jump in magnification. Using the "closer" X-Cels 12mm = 211x, 9mm = 282x.

I tend to not mix eyepiece sets as any parfocal aspect is lost, often on an SCT adjusting focus can be a pain, do you have one of the flexible focus adjuster things?

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A budget might be helpful, but I'm having an absolute hoot with the ES100s in mine.

FWIW, due to the long focal ratio and long focal lengths, SCTs are a match in budget heaven for relatively wide field designs like Erfles - That's your Skywatcher Panaviews/ GSO Superviews, etc. Step up a rung to the Maxvision SWAs  and as long as you don't wear glasses, you would be very hard pushed to tell the differences between them and notionally more exotic glass in that scope.


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