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How Do I Stack Solar Video Files?

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I normally use AS!2 for stacking lunar and planetary videos shot with my ZWO ASI120MMS.  

I've now had two attempts at shooting the sun.  The problem that I seem to be running into is (I think) a lack of alignment points.  Some solar videos have an absence of any obvious surface features (such as sunspots) in the raw video files.  I'm not sure what I am supposed to do to stack these videos.  I have had a number of images where there has clearly been a misalignment in AS!2.  For my lunar images, I let AS!2 set the alignment points.  This didn't seem very successful with the sun.  In some solar images, I have been able to manually set some points around sunspots.  But in this morning's eclipse, there were times when there seemed to be no obvious sunspots showing on the surface.

What do others do?

Thanks in anticipation.

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If you have the full disc then you can stack using Registax and use "Centre of gravity" to align.  This aligns on the centre of the disc and can work well (sometimes!).  Otherwise there is not a lot you can do with white light images and nothing to stack on as you have found out.

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