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TSA-120 Refractor with EM200 mount

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Hi everyone..

I work for long periods overseas and late into the evenings when I'm back in the UK. I'm usually tired and I don't always have a great deal of time on my hands - but really want to kick off my hobby with a good telescope with minimal fuss..

I would like something relatively quick to setup, a good investment, minimal to maintain, somewhat portable and offers expandability into astrophotography at a later date... It's unlikely that I'll have time to tinker / collimate more than one telescope type..

What do you think to the TSA 120 with em mount as a starter (although expensive) base unit to satisfy my above needs?

I'm interested in exploring space, planets, deep space objects, passing comets... Etc.. A good all round scope...

Thanks for your help....

John T

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Thanks David, is 120mm considered too big to move around, put in a car? Is it relatively easy to set up? Spec says it only weighs 6.7 kg.. I'm only a relative beginner, but rather pay for a refractor once....

Some people comment on the diificulties of using an em mount... Is it really that bad / complicated? I won't be taking pics until I've mastered the visual side but prefer to buy the kit now...


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I like the way you think.  Why waste precious time in life trying to build a better mousetrap from general market products when you have the means to acquire premium equipment.

Takahashi, Astro-Physics, Questar, and Zeiss equipment seldom have issues, or require upgrading.

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Thanks David, is 120mm considered too big to move around, put in a car? Is it relatively easy to set up? Spec says it only weighs 6.7 kg.. I'm only a relative beginner, but rather pay for a refractor once....

Some people comment on the diificulties of using an em mount... Is it really that bad / complicated? I won't be taking pics until I've mastered the visual side but prefer to buy the kit now...


Good strategy - and the one I eventually learned to follow after wasting a bit of money !!

The TSA120 is very portable it is only slightly heavier than my TSA102 !!

Had the 120 been available I would have bought it and not the 102 .....

Cannot comment on the Tak mount  - I use Vixen mounts

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