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A beginner needs help with the Celestron 31153 Skyprodigy

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Hello. I'm from Beverley (it isn't my name), it's a town in East Yorkshire.

I posted this message in the 'Welcome' area and the helpful members suggested that I go to a local astronomy club for help. I did go - once - and felt intimidated by the experts who talked WAY over my head.

I am a beginner and want to understand more about stargazing. I bought the Celestron 31153 Skyprodigy 130 Reflector Telescope because it's supposed to be easy for beginners like me.

I've only had 2 attempts so far and have failed miserably. :embarassed:

I followed the instructions, pressed the ALIGN button and it moves across the sky as if everything is going smoothly............but I haven't managed to get the 'Alignment Complete' message. I used the hand control to find the moon and it couldn't find it. :sad:

Realising that nothing was where it was supposed to be (the telescope wasn't aligned as it should be), I picked up the tripod and manually moved the telescope to get the moon in view. I saw the moon in my telescope and it was lovely......but I want my telescope to work as it should.

If anyone can help me, I'd be very grateful.


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I'm new too with the same scope as you bought second hand but controller was defective....

I like you had the same thing.

just to check things

1. set up the scope in daylight to align the view finder easy to do..

look through the view finder and locate say a church tower or mast some distance away...

get it in the centre with the red dot...

look through telescope and should be in the field of view.

if not move the adjusters on the view finder to move the red dot to correct position check by looking through the scope and adjust..

this should align the scope with the telescope view.

now wait for dark clear night.

set up scope in a clear view of a horizon or as close as possible make sure its clear of stars too.

press align it should find stars that are not readily apparent from the naked eye...

it will do this a couple of times until it recognises a star pattern.

ready to go.

try looking on you tube for the set up there are z couple of good ones very helpful

let me know if I can help anymore we will learn together.



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Thanks for the replies. Yes, I've checked that the date and time are correct.

I tried again last night. Checked the time and date were correct, ensured that the tripod was level and pressed the ALIGN button. It moves around, captures the 3 alignment points and on the hand control it said '100 stars found' and it was ready to show me the SKY TOUR. I was feeling hopeful.

The thing is............when I press SOLAR SYSTEM and select Moon, the telescope moves to the wrong position. It's not a little bit out, it's MASSIVELY out of position. For example, I can see the Moon towards the north and the telescope moves to west............and tells me that this is the Moon!

I have been very careful, followed the instructions........and feel helpless and very disappointed.

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