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Skyliner Cooling Tube

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Cooling Tube ! Skywatcher Skyliner.
I had the parts parts right in front of me?  they have been sat in my office for a few days, for a potential  cooling project.  I got tonight's  idea  just before deciding to make a brew, and to be honest, Its taken me longer to make the brew than it did to construct the cooling tube? so here is my  quick solution to my thermal cooling procedure by using a flexi 4" hose attached to the focuser with a fan enclosed. No screws, bolts or tools required? the battery will fit across the face of the fan.
With the OTA dust cap fitted (  the 2" aperture should be plugged  ) there is only one way for the air to flow, and that's externally from behind my primary and out the focuser, in the hope of capturing some of the thermal currents that exist in the boundary layer over the face of the Primary  mirror,  and even though the  mirrors  face will be in the eddy current side of the air flow, it should still work?
A quick fix on a budget, and parts lying around. :smiley:
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