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M4/3 camera filters


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Can anyone guide if the Micro Four thirds can be used for astrophoto and if there are any filters available for the camera ?

I've a whole set of camera and lenses for Olympus EM1 ranging 12mm to 200mm which is in 35mm format its 24mm to 400mm and light weight solution.

Was wondering if any filters can be used to eliminate Light Pollution knowing the baader thing for EOS would not be possible with mirror less solution.

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I have used both the EM5 and the EM1 for astrophotography. The EM5 produces better long exposure images compared to the EM1. You can google "OMD EM1 long exposure noise" to find others who have come to the same conclusion. Most attribute this to the Panasonic sensor in the EM1 not being as efficient as the EM5's Sony sensor at controlling long exposure noise. In my opinion, The EM1 is an awesome camera, but not for astrophotgraphy. I eventually sold it as I didn't think the additional features were worth the price.

As for LP filters, I wasn't able to find anything that clipped into the body. I do have 2" and SCT size filters so I used those, usually held in place with some gaffers tape. I looked into step-down rings but decided it wasn't worth the effort.

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