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Imaging upgrades


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I've got a few spare quid after Christmas and am looking at some small upgrades. A field flattener is on the cards, but I have also been thinking about light pollution.

I've had a read around the Astronomik CLS Clip Filters but am unsure. From what I can gather, they probably aren't worth the outlay with my kit; unmodified EOS 1100D, 70mm frac and EQ3-2.

Other comments suggest that, with this kit, and a useful, maximum unguided sub of 60 to 90 seconds, I probably won't get the full benefit of the filter?

Is it worth the outlay now, or should I stick to the flattener and wait until I upgrade to a sturdier mount and guiding before worrying about the clip filter? Might be better going with a Baader 2" LP filter in the interim?

Anyone had any experience with them in a similar set-up?



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Depending on the focal ratio of the scope, and at 70mm, I'm gonna guess quite slow... I'd go with something like the SkyWatcher LPR filter. I find that the CLS is great if the focal ratio is f/5 or faster, but to strong a cut out on slower optics, where the SW LPR comes into it's own (it's also a lot cheaper). A lot will depend on your LP type and condition of course... but for me, that's what I  use.

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Hi John, thanks for your thoughts. The Focal length of the scope is 420mm so we are looking at F6. I had looked at the Skies the Limit Moon and Skyglow filter previously which is £39.99 on ebay (I haven't linked as I can't remember if ebay links are okay!) but will have a look at the SW variant as well, which is a nice price and will be a decent investment on top of the flattener which will probably have the biggest bang for my buck on my imaging attempts. Might be best to save the CLS filter for when I have upgraded the scope/mount....best start saving.....

Cheers, and Happy New Year!

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