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Zennox 700x76 can't see anything and we've removed the lens caps

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Hi all, really need some help!

I've seen most people say don't touch this telescope but my mum bought it for my other half for Xmas.

We have removed the lens caps and tried a few different magnification but all we can see is blurry light, we honestly don't have a clue where to start, do they normally come calibrated? We're worried about fidderling too much without some guidance. I've had a peak on YouTube but I think you need some basic knowledge for it to make sense.

Any help will be greatfully recieved.



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It should have been supplied with some eye pieces, they are the shorter items. Pick the one with the largest diameter lens it could be marked H20 and pop that into the focuser. Do not use anything else. The SR4 will be very bad and the H12.5 might just be OK.

Do this in daytime and point at a distant object and try and get focus.

Do not use the long optical items , one is a 3x barlow and the other an erector (sic) lens.

Sad to say these are not the best scopes and often have low quality opitics.

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Yes, the standard advice:

  • Try the telescope with the H 20 eyepiece and without the Barlow. This will give you the lowest magnification in your reach. 
  • Test the scope during the day. Aim it at objects from say 50 metres all the way up to the horizon. This should give you some useful practice with the focuser. 
  • Use a distant object to align the finderscope with the telescope. After that you can use the finder to bring objects into the view of the telescope.
  • If at daytime you can manage to focus on the horizon, you can try the same setting of the focuser at night on the Moon. You'll need to tweak the focus a little, but not much.
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