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DOB OWNERS, check this out !!!

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My 12" DOB  rocker box was not moving smooth from the day that I got it (Nov 6) after trying a few different modifications... I HAVE STRUCK GOLD.... My solution was ...... to take the bolt out of the rocker box and take off the 2 metal circles and the plastic bearings ring inside... I bought 2 12" x 12" linoleum stick on floor tiles... with the slipperiest surface that I could find.... the 2 tiles were 39 cents each at HOME DEPOT... simply trace the metal rings on the back of the tiles for correct size... cut off the corners with scissors and cut out a hole in the center for the Rocker Box bolt... then stick the tile on each surface so that the slippery side goes against the metal rings,,,, WALLAH  !! It glides so effortlessly now... when observing Jupiter at 300x even when it is high in the sky, the Telescope Nudges Very Smoothly... I hope this thread will enhance many DOB OWNERS Viewing experiences....


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