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Hi TJ,


Anyone in SGL (or elsewhere) wishing to have a gab is welcome to use our channel.

tbh it hasn't been very busy. IRC is a bit retro for some people and those that have been on the channel don't tend to hang around long enough. Idle a while if nobody's responding and if you're using mIRC set a remote to

on *:TEXT:*:#: /splay C:\WINDOWS\Media\ding.wav

So that it pings when someone speaks :afro:

In saying that, if someone in SGL wants to start a proper SGL channel I'll happily idle there too :D



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Having used IRC in the past for real time problem solving, I just thought it might be handy for the sgl crowd, who undoubtedly will be outside on mostly the same nights, many of whom with a laptop with wireless,

I'll maybe pop into that channel one itme then, cheers


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