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Synscan AZ - improving stability


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I bought a Synscan AZ to mount my little Skymax 90 on but have been very disappointed with the tripod. At the slightest touch of the focuser the whole setup shakes, rattles and rolls more than Bill Haley and the Comets.

I know that this mount is supplied with the Skymax 127 which is a much heavier tube and that many people are greatly enamored of this setup so I'm guessing that there must be a way to improve the stability of the tripod.  

I'd be most grateful for any advice.

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People have hung a weights from the centre of the tripod head and filled the legs with material like sand. Also bought pads that are supposed to suppress vibration.

Some have helped, just don't ask me which.

However when you play with the focuser the vibration can be at the scope-mount head interface.and not a lot can be done there. So buying a heavier tripod may not solve the whole problem. You may need a bigger more solid arm that the scope is part of.

If I recall the mount comes in 2 varieties, light and heavy.

TS I think sell both varients.

What I suspect you are a victim of is the fact that manufacturers supply the least expensive item they can get away with. The tripod and mount supplied will hold the scope and the scope will function as specified, the catch is that it just functions enough to get by, and not what can described as functions and performs well.

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