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Serial to WiFi adapters


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I need a serial to WiFi adapter to hook up my DSC's to the computer in the house and the notebook at the mount. There are so many of them. Lots say they have the FTDI chipset or something like that. I see this brand discussed a lot. Is that the way to go? Any of you using them? Which ones are you using. Its just to get the position to Cartes du Ciel. Its not a goto. I think it will be easier to see than the display on the DSC.


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A few years ago maybe but now I just want to buy something and maybe hack some software. They have the little router I"m looking at working with cell phones can't believe its that hard to switch it over to a desktop. I've actually found sever that might work but their support people haven't a clue about using them to control a camera so far that has been a dead end. If they would actually put out a spec on usb over Wifi that would help. There is none now so everyone does it their own way. The router is the same that tether tools sells as their wifi tether kit. They have software for a desktop but it doesn't do astro. And as far as I can tell its the only software that will work with it. The little router is 35 bucks and their kit sells for 230 ;)  Its not that critical I just bought that notebook and would like to keep it in good shape. Something to play around with when the clouds roll in.


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