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Problems with sbig - 8300c


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2 weeks ago I bought a SBIG -8300c . At first light I photographed M45.De software I use is nebulosity3.2 . In the pictures of M45 are all diagonal stripes. What is the cause of this?

Sincerely Paul


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2 weeks ago I bought a SBIG -8300c . At first light I photographed M45.De software I use is nebulosity3.2 . In the pictures of M45 are all diagonal stripes. What is the cause of this?

Sincerely Paul


 Can you put the subs  and the calibration frames into dropbox and post a link please?


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Dear Sire

I am on vacation in Spain until the 28th of december

I have a limited Internet, and cannot send the needed information.

The stripes can also been seen on the individual subs.

The subs have been stacked in DSS

I have even tried to stack them in pixinsight but with the same result.

Friendly Regards Paul

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Dear Sire

I am on vacation in Spain until the 28th of december

I have a limited Internet, and cannot send the needed information.

The stripes can also been seen on the individual subs.

The subs have been stacked in DSS

I have even tried to stack them in pixinsight but with the same result.

Do these appear on the Bias and Flats aswell?


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No sign off any stripes in flats or bias.


Curious affair. I am sure that you have made sure that your optics are clean. It is worth experimenting with powering the camera with an independent power supply ( not sharing the same loop with other equipment ) and making sure that the camera and the mount are grounded to avoid the dreaded ground loop effect. The other thing is to use another  high quality USB cable. Does the SBIG have a fast download option? If so disable this if possible and operate in the standard mode.


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After studying the photo a bit more, I not think it is overexposed. And there are in fact stripes in the foggy regions of M45. I just don't know if it should be like on your photo. Are photos from ohter objects showing stripes?

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  • 5 weeks later...

The photo has been sent to sbig. Their response was that the strepes would go away with flats.

I find it hard to believe. Can it be electrical interference and how do I fix it.

Regards Paul

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The photo has been sent to sbig. Their response was that the strepes would go away with flats.

I find it hard to believe. Can it be electrical interference and how do I fix it.

Regards Paul

Do another run and make sure that you do the flats correctly and take at least 200 bias frames. If SBIG are correct then all is good otherwise you have to contact them again. Run the camera from a clean power supply preferably a fully charged high capacity battery and use a laptop rather than a PC running on its own battery to eliminate the possibility of noise induced by the mains power into the USB lines. Do not use a USB hub or repeater for this test. Good luck.


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